Safeguarding at Chulmleigh College
Our first duty is to ensure that all pupils are safe and are also able to keep themselves safe.
We have a team of Child Protection Officers led by our Deputy Headteacher, Mr Payne. In addition to this team, David Worden is the designated Director with oversight of Child Protection and Safeguarding.
We take our responsibility to ensure pupils are safe very seriously, and will act on any concerns that we have regarding the welfare and/or safety of one of our pupils.
You can contact the Safeguarding Team by emailing:
The Child Protection Team are:
Mr N Payne & Mrs S Healey | Trust Safeguarding Oversight |
Miss R Woods | Senior Teacher Behaviour Standards and Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Ms L Miller-Marshall | Assistant Headteacher, SENDCo & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Ms E Philpott |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs B Heeney | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs R Jordan | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs C Harrington |
Exams Officer and Safeguarding Officer |
Mrs S Jordan | Attendance Officer and Safeguarding Officer |
Our Duty of Care Statement:
As Chulmleigh College’s School Safeguarding Team it is our duty to pass on any Child Protection concerns regarding our pupils to the relevant agencies. We will of course, where possible, work in an open and honest way with our parents.
Useful contacts:
- Child Line 0800 11 11
- NSPCC 0808 800 5000
- Samaritans Freephone 116 123
- Police non-emergency 101
- The Devon County Safeguarding (DSCB) Website
- Or in an emergency contact the Police on 999
Please follow this link to view Chulmleigh Academy Trust Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy