All of our pupils are able to benefit from a well delivered curriculum that fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum as well as providing additional options.
Each pupil studies a range of subjects covering a breadth of learning experiences. We work hard to ensure that each child is able to access the curriculum to meet his or her individual needs. Pupils are able to build on their previous experiences to move on to more complex situations.
Our curriculum is supplemented by a wealth of clubs, activities, trips and visits. You will find more details about how the curriculum is enriched in the Clubs and Activities section of our website.
Class Organisation
The College operates a mixed system, with some linear setting and some mixed groups. Decisions on the arrangements of classes in Year 7 are made using information from our feeder primary schools, SATS results and baseline testing in school.
We determine the structure of Year 7 classes prior to pupils starting in September, but some movement is natural and is encouraged. Typically, the College operates with a number of mixed ability sets and faster moving accelerated classes, but this always depends on the cohort and what is best for them.